Genesis of a character, August 27, 2013
Anakina (Cagliari, Italy) - See all my reviews
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This review is from: C'e' sempre un motivo, Maresciallo Maggio! (Storie della Riviera) (Italian Edition) (Kindle Edition)
I had already liked the novel "Doppio omicidio per il maresciallo Maggio", of which this book is a prequel, so it was with great curiosity that I started reading these three nice short stories that present the protagonist of this Italian crime fiction series.Maggio, who at the beginning doesn't even have a name, arises slowly within these stories with his humanity and wit. He is presented by the author in thoughtless, even comical contexts, which, going from one story to the following one, show an always bigger seriousness, until someone dies. The drama is, however, showed tactfully and at the same time appeased by the ironic author's voice. This way we have the chance to better know the setting in which Maggio and his colleagues are living, thus appreaciating its fades. The rhythm with which the stories are narrated is fast and smooth, forcing the reader to continue until the end of each one of them. The characters are believable and well outlined, in spite of the limits imposed by a short narration. The plots are quite elaborate, pushing the curious reader, who loves investigation, to compete with Maggio to try and find out what happened before he does. Succeeding in it is not easy at all.
I suggest this read before trying out the following novels, in order to fully appreciate the growth of this author and his character.
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